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LEGACY SERIES | Will the Art Market Recover?

Pop Art dealer Ivan Karp is showcased in Richard Polsky's book "The Art Prophets." / Photo by Melanie Eve Barocas / Courtesy of OK Harris Gallery

Free and Open to the Public | Hosted on Zoom

Host: Kristin Eichenberg

About the Program: The Artist Talk on Art Legacy Series is a monthly featured screening of one of the historic talk programs, selected from ATOA’s Archives held at the Smithsonian Institute’s Archives of American Art.

This week’s screening, originally recorded on January 29, 1993, features Ivan Karp interviewed by Elaine Marinoff, as the two discuss the conditions of the Art Market in the early nineties.

More Information: Since 2016, ATOA’s historic archive of papers, photographs and over 800 recordings of panels and dialogs were acquired by the Smithsonian Institution’s Archives of American Art in Washington, D. C. Please follow the link below to search the collection:

Artists Talk on Art records, circa 1974-2018